A few more finished inkle woven bits and pieces...
Some bookmarks:

A guitar strap:
A belt made with recycled sari silk and handspun merino. These are definately not the easiest materials to weave with. The silk snags in the heddles, and the merino spends the whole time trying to felt to itself! The colours went well together though (they don't show up very well in this photo, it's too bright). Since taking this I've finished the ends properly and added some beads.
And now the disaster. I spent yesterday morning finishing off a new guitar strap. I'm trying to teach my naughtiest cat the difference between right and wrong (i.e. yes you can play with the toy mouse... no you may not climb the curtains... NO you may Not eat the yarn!!), so I stupidly tried to weave through the attack, accompanied by the spray bottle that makes no difference. I managed to get it finished, but in my haste to get it off the loom and away from danger, I unbelieveably managed to cut right the way through the band itself...
So things were thrown, and the diet was abandoned. I suspect the neighbours knew all about it too. It was a full-blown hissy fit.
I think I can just about salvage the pieces though. I can get a couple of bookmarks out of the little bit, and I have just about enough of the big bit left to make a non-adjustable strap for something or other. It's not the end of the world, but it felt like it at the time! What an idiot!!
And the culprit...

What an angel!!
Carrie xxxx